Are you an author seeking publication, publicity or editorial support?
Warwick Associates will act as your agent and present your manuscript to selected publishers that we know to be interested in your literary genre. We are in touch with top acquisitions editors at publishing companies nationwide.
Help You Create a Winning Book Proposal
The book proposal, or the book proposal letter is the essential component for landing a publishing contract. We can assist by offering suggestions to improve your book proposal, and editing your proposal for maximum results.
Submit It to Potential Publishers
Our up-to-date database ranges from big New York publishers to smaller specialty publishers. According to your particular subject matter, we get your proposal into the hands of all the right people.
Follow Up
We keep in close, regular contact with acquisitions editors, making sure that your proposal gets the consideration it deserves.
Negotiate the Contract
There are times when it behooves an author to have an expert third party either negotiate an author/publisher contract or act in behalf of the author regarding author/publisher relations. We are often able to negotiate significantly better terms and substantial benefits for our clients. If you would like to know more about how we can help, please call our office.
Our Editing Services
Your manuscript may be one in a million, a best seller just waiting to be printed and placed in retail outlets and in the hands of consumers. Or, your ideas and experiences may still be in your head, just waiting to be transformed into a powerful book. In any case, we can transform your unique material from the printed page, from an audio tape or from personal interviews into a complete and compelling manuscript, developing it carefully to maximize sales and to realize your personal goals.
Critique and light editing for style and content is often all that is needed to ready a manuscript for the next step, which is copyediting and proofreading. For some clients, we provide substantive, in-depth revision. And writing a manuscript from scratch, called “ghost writing,” is a valuable service that we make available to our clients who have the expertise and the knowledge, but neither the time nor the editorial skills, to produce a fine manuscript on their own.
Our services include manuscript critique, editing for content and/or style, ghost writing, copyediting, proofreading, and indexing. We are we are happy to discuss any and all of your editorial needs.